Are There Any Rules?
The Ultimate Album Experience
Uncover the story behind every song
+ Witness Yan's creative process
+ Get exclusive downloads
for the Ultimate Album Experience!
No purchase necessary.
The Ultimate Album Experience gives you an unfiltered, all-encompassing insight into
Yan Simon's debut album Are There Any Rules?
Through a series of hidden pages, you will have access to
A breakdown of Yan's lyrics, and the stories that inspired each track
Phone-recordings Yan was making while writing the music
Studio session footage, acoustic piano versions, and behind-the-scenes
Secret downloads - some of the pages have hidden buttons! How many can you find??
You will also be able to download and stream the album for free.
Yan Simon is an independent singer-songwriter.
There are no managers, sponsors, or label directors weighing in
on his creative decisions.
There are no corporate agendas that profit from your support.
This Album Experience is crafted by Yan for you, so that you get the ultimate value from the album.